I have been on a blogging hiatus. Actually, I have been on an everything hiatus. At the end of August/the beginning of Fall semester, I started a full time internship. It was in Draper so I was commuting about 45 minutes total each way after factoring in time to drive to Highland and drop Harper off at my mother-in-law's house. I am SO grateful for Stacie and her willingness to watch my baby all day, every day. She (and her family) had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to make that happen. I owe a lot of people for my degree and I can't express enough how much I appreciate all of the help I have received in order to complete my education.
So, I finished early a few weeks ago and since then I have just been taking it all in, enjoying being a full-time, stay-at-home mom and being with my baby girl all the time. It was so nice actually to have the time away from her so that even when she is having a bad day and I am going stir crazy from being inside our dark basement apartment all day, I still love being with her and do not take that time for granted.
Since I was so insanely busy, I never had the chance to blog about Harper's blessing. We blessed her on July 31st... I had a lot of family in town for my cousin's wedding so it worked out perfectly because my grandparents got to be there, my aunt and cousin were there and of course my immediate family. My brothers flew in early Sunday morning and were only in Utah for a few hours, just so they could be there and it meant so much to me.
Here are some pictures from the day...
All the men that were in the circle. From left to right: my dad, Eric's uncle Bryce, Eric's brother Connor, Eric's Grandpa Marshall, Eric's uncle Phil, Eric and Harper, my brother-in-law Tyler, Eric's dad, Eric's grandpa Bready, my cousin's husband Matt, my Grandpa Bean (Eric's uncle Curt and our good friend/Harper's pseudo uncle Jeremy Pendleton were also there but they escaped before the pictures.)
Harper's great grandparents. We were missing Grandma Marshall and Mama.
Harper's grandparents. We love them! She is so lucky!!
Everyone from my side that was there.
Family photo (this might be my favorite picture EVER, just because the day was so special)
All my wonderful siblings/half of Harper's aunts and uncles
Oh how I love this baby! She looked so pretty on this day.
My parents with their first grandbaby
My grandparents with their first great grandbaby
Harper got mad taking all those pictures after church so these were round 2. Here are Eric's parents with their first grandbaby (yes, she is SPOILED!)
Such a sweet picture of Stacie and Harper
Her is so pretty!
Eric's fam (minus Morgan... boy have we missed having her around to be with Harper, but we especially missed her on this day!)
Eric and his siblings with Harper. Sister Bready was there in spirit, but Harper was MAD that she wasn't in the picture!
This is a really cute picture of Eric with his parents. He is such a proud daddy!
I was so happy this day. I felt so blessed and so loved by all of our family and friends who were in attendance. But most especially, I am grateful for a husband who holds the Priesthood and was able to give this special blessing to our baby girl. She has such a sweet spirit and we love having her around. She was definitely meant to join our family!